Biosecurity Policy

What is Biosecurity?

Biosecurity is a set of precautions that aim to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful organisms. These may be pests, pathogens or invasive species.

Invasive non-native species of wildlife can hitchhike on equipment, footwear, clothing and boats.


Geodesea Ltd personnel are trained to follow standard operational procedures both prior and post survey in order to maintain biosecurity. 

Personnel have completed NNSS e-learning modules and can provide certification upon request.

 Every time survey equipment is transported from one body of water to another:

1) All survey equipment, footwear and clothing are cleaned thoroughly between site visits.

2) Particular attention paid to damp or hard to inspect areas.

3) If any organisms are discovered, they are left at the body of water where found, or on a hard surface to die out. 

4) All equipment and clothing is dried out completely - some species can survive for many days in damp conditions.


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