Geodesea Ltd are the UK re-seller for BeamworX, specialized Hydrographic Survey software for acquisition, processing and integration of single- and multibeam echosounder data.
For a free demonstration using your own dataset, or a trial license within UK territories, please contact us via
For the latest official release, please use THIS link and email us for the password.
Cleaning and validating Survey Result Data the easy way!
Easy Echosounder Data Acquisition!
Fully automated Multibeam Echosounder patch test calculator. Your calibration report is just a click away!
Easy to use Single Beam Editor with Raw Acoustics in the background.
Cleaning program for Bathymetric and Lidar point data. Focused on day to day cleaning on board of survey vessels or near site.
Automatic cleaning and validation for bathymetric and Lidar point clouds
Manual flagging of points in 2D Slice and 3D View
Stand-alone application, easy to learn and use
Optimum use of modern computer hardware(multi-core, 64-bit, GB's mem)
Supports many cleaning algorithms: statistical, spline filter, spatial
Full undo on all modification actions
Import/export to various file formats, e.g. FAU/GSF/ALL/LAS/LAZ/Hypack HS2(X)/ASCII/Grids/PDS
Respects the point status as flagged by the acquisition software
Optionally exports only the changes back to the original source files
Automatic Least Square Adjustment Height Fitting for Tide errors
Reference layer for design or previous survey
Multiple rejection flags and classification
Automatic import of files through folder monitoring during the survey
Corrected 95% confidence grid attribute
Download brochure HERE
NavAQ is a user-friendly navigation and data acquisition program for Single Beam and Multi Beam Echosounders. Positioning and Bathymetry results are computed in real-time, and visualized in various displays. All Raw sensor data is logged for further processing. Seamless integration with AutoClean and Auto-Patch.
The Raw and result data are presented in various types of user-definable dis-plays:
Raw Single Beam Echosounder Echogram.
Result for Multibeam Echosounder swaths.
Chart View with grid and backgrounds.
Graphic/Numeric/IO Status/ Alerts display.
Left/Right Indicator for planned line.
A full range of equipment drivers is available:
Multibeam: Kongberg, Teledyne Reson , R2Sonic, Norbit, WASSP.
Motion: Ixsea, SBG, Applanix, Kongsberg, NMEA.
Single Beam: Kongsberg, Odom Teledyne NMEA.
NMEA position and Generic user defined data.
Download brochure HERE
SBEdit makes it very easy to edit Single Beam Echosounder Data (SBE) in Chart Datum with the raw acoustics as background. SBEdit is an AutoClean Add-on, it is fully integrated into AutoClean.
The presentation of the acoustics is configurable with different color palettes and drawing order.
A full range of edit tools are available:
Manual clipping with the mouse cursor
Assign new height by “free-drawing” with the mouse cursor
Automatic “boxcar” Despiking
Height Averaging
A dedicated BeamworX utility is used to log the “echogram” data directly from the sounder and the results from the Acquisition Software. These files are then commonly presented in AutoClean and SBEdit.
Download brochure HERE