Port of Blyth opt for PicoTech Multibeam Sonar with BeamworX
December 22, 2020
Geodesea Ltd is proud to announce the supply & installation of a Pico MB-130Surf (Pico MB-130 with integrated Applanix POSMV SurfMaster) to Port of Blyth.
The PicoMB-130 facilitates high resolution surveys on man-portable USVs and small survey vessels. PicoMB-130’s small size, low weight and class leading power consumption allow rapid mobilisation, simple launch and recovery and long endurance. PicoMB-130-Surf comes with an industry leading inertial navigation system fully integrated within its deck unit, speeding up and simplifying mobilisation and reducing costs.
BeamworX software (NavAQ/AutoPatch/AutoClean) is bundled into a single suite; each program can work completely stand-alone due to the flexible imports and exports. But together they form a powerful toolkit for for acquiring, calibrating and (re)processing Multibeam Echosounder Data. The Port of Blyth is the latest to join the growing list of major UK ports using BeamworX software.
Geodesea Ltd have provided full system delivery, including installation, dimcon survey, calibration and basic hydrographic survey training with documented operational procedures for Port of Blyth engineers.
Edwin Dick, Port of Blyth Harbour Master, said: “We are delighted with delivery and installation of the new survey equipment which will provide the Port with much needed flexibility in undertaking surveys. The tools now available to us will enable the Port to better plan and conduct our dredge campaigns with greater efficiency.”
Regarded as one of the UK’s leading offshore energy support bases, Port of Blyth is home to some of the world’s largest offshore and renewable energy firms.
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