Geodesea Ltd surveyors have been involved with various projects around the world since 2005.
April 2022
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Nat Grid Major River Crossings. Contracted by EGS International Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Lockwood Beck reservoir, Yorkshire, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Northumberland Water Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES scour monitoring survey of Mersey Gateway Bridge, UK. Contracted by Survey operations Ltd
March 2022
MSc Hydrogaphic Surveying student data processing training for UCL, London
February 2022
MBES data processing services, River Yarre. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
January 2022
Hi-res MBES bathymetric site survey, Stanley, Falkland Islands. Contracted by South Atlantic Environment Research Institute (SAERI)
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Queen Mary Reservoir, UK. Contracted by L&SS Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of River Derwent, UK. Contracted by FC Geomatics Ltd
GNSS & Navigation solution provision and installation. Contracted by MoD
MBES data processing services, River Yarre. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
December 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Waskerly reservoir, Northumberland, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Northumberland Water Ltd
November 2021
ASV hi-res MBES & LiDAR river survey, Gateshead, UK. Contracted by XOCEAN Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES canal survey, Leicester, UK. Contracted by Canals & Rivers Trust Ltd
October 2021
Vessel Dimcon survey and WASSP MBES equipment mobilisation/calibration/commissioning. Contracted by Jersey Government Department of Marine Resources & Fisheries.
ASV hi-res MBES river survey, Castleford, UK. Contracted by Survey Operations Ltd
September 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Nat Grid Major River Crossings. Contracted by EGS International Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Albert Dock, London. Contracted by Port of London Authority
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q4-2021-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Grovebury Quarry, UK. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
June 2021
Vessel Dimcon survey and MBES equipment mobilisation/calibration. Contracted by Blyth Port.
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Southfield Reservoir, UK. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
Vessel Dimcon survey and WASSP MBES equipment mobilisation/calibration. Contracted by Tower Systems Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Long Pit Reservoir, UK. Contracted by Geodime Ltd
May 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Nanpean Quarry, UK. Contracted by L&SS Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES dredge monitoring surveys of Carnwath Rd, River Thames, UK. Contracted by Port of London Authority
MBES data processing of Great Yarmouth navigation Channel, UK. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Wimbledon Lake, UK. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd
April 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Portishead Marina, UK. Contracted by Boatfolk Marinas Ltd
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Deganwy Marina, UK. Contracted by Tower Software Ltd
Charge Surveyor & data QC, Portishead spoil ground, River Severn, UK. Contracted by Landscope engineering for CEFAS.
March 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Bosely Reservoir, UK. Contracted by Landscope engineering for Canal & River Trust
February 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Redcar site, River Tees, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Royal Haskoning DHV.
February 2021
MBES data processing. Contracted by Port of London Authority for Transport for London
February 2021
Hardware/software sales and provision of hydrographic survey training and procedure documentation for Marine Group Cardiff Ltd
January 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey. Contracted by Landscope Engineering Ltd for HS2.
January 2021
ASV hi-res MBES survey of NG Pipeline crossing, River Exe, UK. Contracted by AsSea Ltd for National Grid.
December 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of TeesPort RoRo jetty, River Tees, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Tees Ports.
December 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Dartford Creek, River Thames, UK. Contracted by Port of London Authority.
December 2020
Hydrographic Survey & Hypack On-Site Training & Production of Operating Procedures, contracted by GJ Binding Ltd for Trinity House.
November 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of CRo terminal, River Thames, UK. Contracted by Port of London Auhority for C.Ro Ports
November 2020
MBES installation, calibration & commissioning with data acquisition and processing training for Blyth Port, Northumberland, UK.
October 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Queen Mary Reservoir, London, UK. Contracted by Land & Satellite Surveys for Thames Water
September 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Hury Reservoir, Northumberland, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Northumblerland Water
June 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Blue Lake, Northfleet, UK. Contracted by Land & Satellite Surveys for Dive Ops Ltd
April 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of River Tyne, Jarrow, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Tyneside Council
February 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of River Aires, Leeds, UK. Contracted by Survey Operations for Environment Agency
January 2020
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Denge Aggregate Quarry, Kents, UK. Contracted by Land & Satellite Surveys for CEMEX Ltd
January- March 2020
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q1-2020-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
December 2019
ASV hi-res MBES survey of Hallington West reservoir, Northumberland, UK. Contracted by Academy Geomatics for Northumberland Water Ltd
September 2019
Remote data processing services for Landscope Engineering for high resolution MBES survey, Runcorn Docks Docks, UK.
July - September 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q3-2019-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 18km of the tidal River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
June 2019
Remote data processing services for Landscope Engineering for high resolution MBES survey, Bristol Docks, UK.
April- June 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q2-2019-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
March 2019
Hydrographic survey training and survey personnel to Landscope Engineering for high resolution MBES survey, Blythe Harbour, UK.
January- March 2019
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q1-2019-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
December 2018
Hydrographic survey training (practical & software) and survey procedure delivery to PJ Binding Ltd hydrographic surveyors, Barry, Wales.
October 2018
UAV Photogrammetric survey of Thames foreshore for Lower Thames Crossing Project. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for AECOM.
October - November 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q4-2018-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 18km of the tidal River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
September 2018
UAV Photogrammetric survey of CRo jetty, Purfleet, Essex . Bathymetric of the intertidal and restricted areas of the foreshore. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for C.Ro Ports.
September 2018
Processing and reporting on Centrica Rough Field Windfarm 50km pipeline route MBES survey. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Centrica.
September 2018
Delivery of bespoke Hydrographic Surveyor training to Port of Dover survey dept. Including data acquisition, data processing/editing and rendering/charting using BeamworX and Hypack software suites. Contracted by Dover Harbour.
July - September 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q3-2018-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 18km of the tidal River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
June 2018
Installation & commissioning of WASSP S3 MBES system with Hemispher vs330 RTK / Advanced Navigation Spatial INS onboard SV Diana. Using BeamworX Hydrographic software packages. Contracted by Port of Dover.
April- June 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q2-2018-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
January- March 2018
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q1-2018-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
December 2017
Bathymetric mulitibeam sonar & terrestrial laser scan data processing and rendering/3D visualisation of Fulham Railway Bridge, River Thames, London. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for TfL.
October- November 2017
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q4-2017-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
November 2017
Client Rep services for Geophysical Site Investigation survey, Blackfriars, London. Contracted by POLA for FLO JV Tideway.
October 2017
Provision of bespoke Hydrographic Survey data acquisition and processing training. Contracted by Marmus Ltd.
September 2017
Hydrographic survey and charting services for Oyster Wharf Pier development site. Inter-tidal zone RTK and laser survey in Battersea, London, UK. Contracted by Greengage Environmental Ltd.
July - September 2017
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q3-2017-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 18km of the tidal River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
June 2017
Hydrographic data processing services for inter-array cable post-burial survey. Contracted by Briggs Marine for DONG Energy.
April -June 2017
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q2-2017-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
January -March 2017
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q1-2017-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs
October 2016
Hydrographic surveyor & data processor for Gunfleet Sands 1&2 windfarm surveys. High resulution surveys of monopile structures, associated scour and upper J-Tube sections plus inter-turbine cable route survey. Southern North Sea, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for DONG Energy.
October - December 2016
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q4-2016-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs.
July - September 2016
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q3-2016-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted LiDAR survey of 7 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB & Flo Tideway JVs.
May 2016
UAV photogrammetric survey of S-Jetty, Coryton, Essex. Hi-resolution point cloud generation, geo-referencing and orthomosaiic production. Statistical analysis of data for compliance with IHO Special Order specifications. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Shell Oil.
April - June 2016
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q2-2016-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for BMB, Flo and CVB Tideway JVs.
March 2016
Hydrographic consultancy services / provision of hydrographic personnel for high resolution multibeam sonar survey of Biscoe Wharf at Rothera Reasearch Station, Antarctica. Contracted by Bristol Channel Hydrographic for Holder Ltd / British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
January - March 2016
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q1-2016-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
October - December 2015
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q4-2015-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
July - September 2015
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q3-2015-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
August 2015
Data processor for processing and rendering of hi-res multibeam data of multiple CSO structures for Thames Water PLA. Temporal as well as spatial volumetric analysis on repeat surveys over the numerous areas.
July 2015
Online hydrographic surveyor & data processor for Gunfleet Sands 1&2 windfarm surveys. High resulution surveys of monopile structures, associated scour and upper J-Tube sections plus cable route survey. Southern North Sea, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for DONG Energy.
April - June 2015
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q2-2015-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 23km of the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
March - April 2015
Hydrographic consultancy services for Landscope Engineering Ltd. High resolution multibeam sonar survey of a 38km stretch of the Upper River Thames between Osney to Rushey, Oxfordshire. Contracted by the Landscope Engineering Ltd for the Environment Agency.
January 2015
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q1-2015-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
December 2014
Online hydrographic surveyor & data processor for Gunfleet Sands 1&2 windfarm surveys. High resulution surveys of monopile structures, associated scour and upper J-Tube sections plus associated cable route surveys. Southern North Sea, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for DONG Energy.
October 2014
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q4-2014-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 primary monitoring sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
September 2014
Online hydrographic surveyor & data processor for Gunfleet Sands 1&2 windfarm surveys. High resulution surveys of monopile structures, associated scour and upper J-Tube sections. Southern North Sea, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for DONG Energy.
July 2014 - September 2014
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring re-surveys (Q3-2014-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 23km of the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
April - June 2014
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Site Specific Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q1-2014-DRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 10 construction sites within the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
March 2014
Hydrographic consultancy services for London Underground and DLR line Bathymetric Monitoring surveys. Acquisition, processing and rendering of high resolution MBES surveys of tunnel crossings beneath the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Transport for London / London Underground.
September 2013 - January 2014
Hydrographic consultancy services for Thames Tideway Tunnel Bathymetric Monitoring surveys (Q4-2013-WRS). Tight tolerance MBES & vessel mounted laser survey of 23km of the River Thames, London, UK. Contracted by the Port of London Authority for Thames Tideway Tunnels / Thames Water.
August 2013
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Verifier for Longsands Head IHO Special Order multibeam bathymetry & backscatter imaging surveys - Longsands Haed, North Sea, UK, contracted by the Port of London Authority for Natural England & MCA/UKHO.
April 2013
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Port Explorer for Yamba Port IHO Special Order multibeam bathymetry surveys - Yamba, NSW, Australia, on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Yamba Port Authority.
March 2013
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Port Explorer for Eden Port IHO Special Order multibeam channel & berth surveys - Eden, Australia, NSW on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Eden Port.
November 2012
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Port Explorer for Port Kembla IHO Special Order multibeam conditional & post-dredge surveys - Port Kembla, Wollongong, Australia, on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Port Kembla Port Corporation
September 2012
Surveyor onboard SV Port Explorer for Locata ground-based positioning system "Urban Test Bed" surveys - Farm Cove, Sydney Harbour, Australia, on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Locata Corporation & University NSW School of Geomatic Engineering.
April & October 2012
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Osprey for Yamba Port IHO Special Order multibeam bathymetry surveys - Yamba, NSW, Australia, on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Yamba Port Authority.
November 2011
Surveyor-in-Charge onboard SV Investigator for Port Kembla IHO Special Order multibeam conditional surveys - Port Kembla, Wollongong, Australia, on behalf of Sydney Ports Corporation for Port Kembla Port Corporation.
February 2010 - March 2011
Party Chief onboard SV Osprey for construction support swathe bathymetry surveys - Port Kembla, Wollongong, Australia, on behalf of McConnell Dowell for Port Kembla Port Corporation.
November 2010 - January 2011
Party Chief onboard SV Osprey for pre/post dredge Geoswath swathe bathymetry surveys - Garden Island, Sydney Harbour, Australia on behalf of Birdon Pty Ltd for the Department of Defence and the Royal Australian Navy.
July - September 2010
Party Chief & Reports Coordinator onboard SV Xplorer for South East Routine Monitorig Programme (SERMP2010) for the Channel Coast Observatory (CCO), Dover Port Authority & United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO). IHO Order 1 with additional MBES quay wall inspection and vessel mounted laser scanner topographic survey.
February - March 2010
Charge Surveyor & QC onboard SV Triad for HI1322 – Approaches to Scalloway, Shetland Isles, Scotland on behalf of Marin Mateknik for MCA & UKHO. IHO Order 1
October-November 2009
Senior surveyor/processor onboard SV Furness Abbey - post dredge exit survey on behalf of Associated British Ports for BAE Systems for the exit of submarine HMS Astute from Devonshire dock, Barrow Port, UK.
October 2009
Senior surveyor/processor onboard SV Sir William for engineering survey of Polperro Port and coast frontage, Polperro, UK, on behalf of Halcrow UK.
March – August 2009
Party Chief onboard ETV Anglian Sovereign for 2009 MCA/UKHO survey campaign around the Inner Hebrides, Scotland, UK. IHO Order 1.
February 2009
Surveyor / processor onboard SV Triad for geophysical route survey for Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia & Germany, on behalf of Marin Matteknik for Saipem & Nord Stream (Danish sector).
January 2009
Surveyor / processor onboard SV Franklin for geophysical route survey for Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia & Germany, on behalf of Marin Matteknik for Saipem & Nord Stream (Finish sector).
November 2008
Surveyor / processor onboard SV Pollux for geophysical route survey for Nord Stream gas pipeline between Russia & Germany, on behalf of Marin Matteknik for Saipem & Nord Stream (Finish sector).
September 2008
Party Chief onoard SV Daiho Senior for post construction engineering & post dredge surveys of Port D’Ehoala development, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar on behalf of Daiho Corporation for Baird & Rio Tinto.
August 2008
Senior Surveyor on SV Remote Sensor for IHO Order 1 MBES bathymetric Survey of BSW4 Lands End to Lizard Point, Cornwall , UK for Teignbridge Council & UKHO/MCA.
May – June 2008
Client Rep on behalf of NAMDEB (De Beers) onboard SV Thomas B Davie for Namibia Inner Shelf Survey (NISS), on behalf of Underwater Surveys Pty for Namibia DeBeers (NAMDEB).
March 2008
Charge Surveyor onboard SV Franklin for HI1238 – Whale Rock to Flannan Islands for Marin Mateknik on behalf of MCA & UKHO. IHO Order 1.
February 2008
Charge Surveyor onboard SV Franklin for HI1255 – Approaches to Stornoway on behalf of Marin Mateknik for MCA & UKHO. IHO Order 1.
December 2007
Party Chief onoard SV Daiho Senior for post construction engineering & post dredge surveys of Port D’Ehoala development, Fort Dauphin, Madagascar on behalf of Daiho Corporation for Baird & Rio Tinto.
November 2007
Senior surveyor onboard SV Protector for post dredge surveys of Southampton docks and harbour approach channel on for ABP Ports UK.
August – October 2007
Project Manager – Implementation of Real Time Kinematic horizontal positioning onboard PLA survey craft and collection of RTK survey data for the Vertical Offshore Reference Frame (VORF) project for University College London & Ordnance Survey Great Britain.
August 2007
Surveyor onboard SV Yantlet & SV Verifier for ongoing trials of OSNet VRS RTK correction service in the marine environment for Ordnance Survey Great Britain (OSGB). Study run in conjunction with University College London (Dept of Geomatic Engineering).
August 2007
Surveyor onboard PLA survey vessels during the London Gateway survey. Continued pre/post dredge and volume calculation surveys throughout the development of proposed container terminal at Coryton, UK, for Dubai Ports World.
June 2007
Project surveyor for high resolution RTK MBES dock wall survey and bathymetric survey in Wood Wharf, West India Docks, London on behalf of NetSurvey Ltd & EMU Survey Ltd for Arup UK.
Project surveyor for pre-works hi-res MBES survey of Middle Dock, West India Docks, London for Crossrail Ltd.
September 2006
Project surveyor for post-dredge campaign channel & berth surveys on the River Medaway for Medway Port Authority / Peele Ports.
October 2006
Project surveyor for engineering multibeam survey of Chatham road tunnels for Mott MacDonald on behalf of Medway Council. Inc. 3d fly-through animations & cross-sections.
June 2006
Project surveyor during pre/post dredge and ongoing dumping ground monitoring surveys on behalf of Van Oord dredging Co. Volume calculation reports and seabed topology / temporal morphology investigations for Princes Channel Sand Placement Plan, Thames Estuary.
February 2006
Surveyor onboard PLA survey vessels during the London Gateway conditional survey. 100km route survey for P&O shipping / Dubai Ports World.
November 2005
Surveyor onboard SV Verifier during Harwich & Felixstowe Port and approach conditional survey for Harwich Haven Authority (HHA UK). Bathymetric & target detection spec IHO Order 1 and above.
August 2005
Surveyor onboard the DP Relume during geotechnical drilling investigation, Zakum Field, offshore UAE, on behalf of Noble Denton for ADMA.
Surveyor onboard the DP Relume during geotechnical drilling investigation, Bukha Oil Field, offshore UAE on behalf of Noble Denton for Abu Dhabi Oil Company (ADOC).
Surveyor onboard the DP Relume during geotechnical drilling investigation, South Pars Field, offshore Iran, on behalf of Noble Denton for TOTAL.
July 2005
Surveyor onboard the M.V Alex Challenger for 2D High Resolution Digital and Analouge Site Survey offshore Qatar for Talisman Ltd.
Surveyor onboard the M/V Alex Challenger for geophysical route survey, Ras Laffan Port to North Field, offshore Qatar for QatarGas3 (Shell Qatar Ltd).
Party Chief/Surveyor onboard JWB-252 barge for positioning alongside PS-1K Platform, Edd Il Shargi Field, Offshore Qatar for Valentine Maritime (Gulf) LLC.
June 2005
Party Chief/Surveyor onboard the Jack-up drilling rig Noble Charles Copeland from the CA Platform, Al Shaheen Field to the NFQ6-3 well, North Field, offshore Qatar for Noble Drilling Ltd.
Surveyor onboard the work barge ‘Millennium 1’ with Barge Management System during geotechnical drilling investigation in the Bukka Oil Field, offshore Oman on behalf of Noble Denton and Associates for Novus Oman Ltd.
Party Chief/Surveyor onboard the Jack-up drilling rig Diamond Ocean Heritage from Ras Laffan Port to NFQ7-2 well, North Field, offshore Qatar for Noble Drilling Ltd.
May 2005
Surveyor onboard the M.V Alex Challenger for Analouge Site Survey, Bukka Oil Field, offshore Oman on behalf of Noble Denton and Associates for Novus Oman Ltd.
February – March 2005
Party Chief/Surveyor onboard the Jack-up drilling rig Noble Charles Copeland from the AA to the BA Platform Al Shaheen Field, offshore Qatar for Maersk Oil Qatar.
Surveyor onboard the M.V Alex Challenger for 2D High Resolution Digital and Analouge Site Surveys offshore Qatar for QatarGas3 (ConcoPhillips Ltd.)
January – February 2005
Surveyor onboard the DP Relume during geotechnical drilling investigation offshore Qatar onbehalf of Noble Denton and Associates for RasGas Company Ltd.
Surveyor onboard the M/V Alex Challenger for site hazard survey at the Al Morjan Complex, Al Rayyan Field, offshore Qatar, for Anadarko Qatar Energy LLC.
Surveyor onboard the M.V Alex Challenger for 2D High Resolution Digital and Analouge Site Survey Offshore Qatar for RasGas Company Ltd.
November 2004
Surveyor onboard the Jack-up drilling rig Noble Chuck Syring to QatarGas3 South Data Well No. 1, North Field, offshore Qatar for ConocoPhillips Qatar Limited.
October 2004
Surveyor onboard the Jack Up drilling rig ENSCO 97 during rig move from KK-1A to A-7 well, Al Kakara Field, offshore Qatar for Qatar Petroleum Development Co, Ltd (QPD).
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