Geodesea News
July 2023
Geodesea are finalists at the GE Awards 2023!
Award for Technical Excellence
Atkins, South East Water and Geodesea; Ardingly Reservoir Boat Park Landslide and the use of bathymetry and airborne photogrammetry surveys
July 2022
Post Dredge Aggregates Surveys
Out with LandScope Engineering who have been using the Picotech Ltd PicoCAT-130 USV with MBES & LiDAR payload for their dredge monitoring surveys, acquired and processed with BeamworX bv
June 2022
MBES & Laser Scan of Kielder Water
This month we were working with Academy Geomatics for a high-re multibeam sonar and LiDAR scan survey of Kielder Reservior and Dam.
Nice little video to boot!
February 2022
Some nice PicoTech MB-130 snippets data
Picotech Ltd PicoMB-130 Backscatter (Snippets) processing in BeamworX bv
Excellent looking data!
January 2022
Geodesea out in the Falklands!
THE PROBLEM: Remote MBES survey location (Falkland Islands), no local geodetic control or on site GNSS base station.
THE SOLUTION: Hi-res MBES with integrated Applanix Corporation POSMV OceanMaster provided a fast and easy setup for quality data acquisition. Data was post processed in POSPac MMS with PP-RTX, to provide a robust, centimetre level solution without the need for external reference data.
October 2021
WASSP installation and commissioning for Jersey Government
A fun couple of days meeting the team at Jersey Government Department of Marine Resources and Fisheries helping them commission their newly acquired multibeam sonar system plus training with BeamworX bv acquisition & processing software
March 2021
Implementation of VORF for Trinity House (GJBinding)
This month we were working with Trinity House contractors (GJ Binding Ltd) for the supply and installation of RTK GNSS equipment for the implementation of UKHO VORF modelling for tidal reductions in their hydrographic surveys using newly acquired BeamworX acquisition & processing software.
June 2020
Another autonomous survey in Northumberland
This month we completed another survey of a Northumberland Water reservoir for Academy Geomatics Ltd.
Hi-res multibeam data combines with UAV photogrammetrically derived LAS pooint clouds and compared with original as-built drawing from the 1960s.
June 2020
MB-130 Data Revealed
This monthe we have been looking at the new MB-130 multibeam data.
It all looks crisp and clean!
The PicoMB-130 facilitates ultra-high resolution surveys on man-portable USVs and small survey vessels, such as the PicoCAT, from which this example data was acquired.
May 2020
World Smallest Multibeam Sonar Unveiled
Picotech Ltd have recently unveiled the first pictures of the world’s smallest integrated Multibeam Echosounder – the new PicoMB-130!
The PicoMB-130’s features are as follows:
Integrated Multibeam Echosounder, Applanix POS MV GNSS+IMU, acquisition PC, autopilot and SVS in the smallest form factor.
Rugged fully over-molded digital transducers immune to galvanic corrosion.
Ultra-low power consumption for long endurance on LiPos.
May be pole mounted or installed on man-portable USVs such as PicoCAT or HyDrone.
256 beams, 300-400kHz, 1.4 degree beamwidth across track and along track.
Large SWAP and drag savings over our outgoing PicoMB-120.
Please contact us for UK sales, demos and support.
May 2020
PicoMB-120Surf used for port survey in southeast UK
Geodesea Ltd were recently contracted by the Port of London Authority to use the Pico MB-120Surf mounted on a Hydrone to complete a post dredge survey on the Thames Estuary.
The use of a USV was beneficial as smaller conventional (manned) survey craft were not appropriate due to COVID-19 social distancing regulations in place at the time, with the added bonus that the USV could also pass beneath the Ro-Ro jetty due to its small size.
Many thanks to the Port of London Authority and CRO Ports for sharing the data.
April 2019
New Release BeamworX 2020.1
BeamworX NL have released a new version of their BeamworX software suite (version 2020.1). For a full description of the resolved issues please check the release notes that come with the installer. Registered users will receive a download link via email. .
March 2020
PicoPod demo at the Port of Dover
PicoPOD systems are really getting about! As well as systems being at work in South Korea, Japan, the United States and Italy, they have also been busy in the UK. Geodesea Ltd took a demo system for a spin at the Port of Dover, one of the world's busiest passenger ports.
January 2020
ASV MBES survey in Kent
This month we completed a survey of an aggregates quarry for Land & Satellite Surveys Ltd.
Data clearly shows areas where the end client had been (and not been) dredging with a back hoe dredger.
December 2019
Autonomous survey in Northumberland
This month we completed a survey of a Northumberland Water reservoir for Academy Geomatics Ltd.
Data clearly showed original water courses, areas of clay mined for the creation of the dams, and even ridge and furrow fields, none of which have been seen since the mid 1800s.
December 2019
Autonomous survey in Vobster Quay
This month we completed a survey of a flooded quarry in Somerset using the PicoTech PicoPod, a MBES/POSMV equipped Hydrone ASV.
Lots of interesting targets and features, as is a scuba diving centre.
November 2019
PocoPilot testing in Bristol Dock
We were out in Bristol Docks again this month testing the newly released "PicoPilot" - autopilot for Hydrone PicoPod
World Hydrography Day 2019
Trialling of BeamworX & PicoPOD in Bristol Docks
Geodesea Ltd have been involved in the trialling of hydrographic data acquisition using BeamworX NavAQ onboard a Hydrone with PicoPOD payload.
The PicoPOD houses a PicoMB-120 and an Applanix WaveMaster POSMV.
More information can be found at
May 2019
MBES & INS Data processing of Bristol Docks
Geodesea Ltd have been contracted to provide MBES & INS data processing services to Landscope Engineering Ltd to aid with their hi-res quay wall surveys within Bristol Docks.
Services included POSMV INS Post-Processing in Applanix POSPac and data processing with Hypack MBMax & BeamworX AutoClean.
March 2019
Consultancy services to Landscope Engineering Ltd
Geodesea Ltd have been contracted to provide hydrographic survey services to Landscope Engineering services to aid with their hydrographic surveys of Blythe Harbour.
The survey utilised R2Sonic 2020 MBES and POSMV INS for bathymetric and quay wall engineering surveys.
Example data can be seen HERE
January 2019
Another year underway for Tideway survey support
Geodesea Ltd have recently been re-contracted to provide ongoing support for the Tideway JV's bathymetric monitoring programme on the River Thames on behalf of POLA.
Optech ILRIS 3D laser being acquired in Hypack/Hysweep with Applanix POSMV 320 in parallel with Reson 7125 & R2Sonic 2024 MBES data acquisition.
December 2018
Hydrographic Survey Training to GJ Binding Ltd
Geodesea Ltd have been contracted to provide hydrographic survey training to GJ Binding, a provider of Hydrographic Surveys to Trinity House.
Bespoke training included in-field acquisition of SBES and SSS data using Hypack software and office based processing and rendering using SonarTRX & Hypack software.
September 2018
Hydrographic Survey Training at Port of Dover
Geodesea Ltd have been contracted to provide hydrographic survey training to the Port of Dover's Hydrographic Department.
Bespoke training includes in-field acquisition of WASSP MBES data using BeamworX NavAQ software and office based processing and rendering using BeamworX AutoClean & Hypack software. Includes charting, reporting and data import into Tower Navigation dredging software.
August 2018
UAV Survey at Purfleet on the River Thames
Geodesea Ltd have teamed up with Droneflight Ltd ( to acquire and process photogrammetric data in the inter-tidal section of the River Thames behind a busy Ro-Ro terminal.
The use of UAVs in these environments to acquire bathymetric data is ideal, where navigating a MBES equipped survey vessel is neither safe or practical.
Completed on behalf of the PLA, we hope to do more similar works very soon.
June 2018
WASSP S3 Multibeam Sonar with BeamworX at Port of Dover
Geodesea Ltd have been contracted by the Port of Dover in the commissioning of their WASSP S3 MBES. Services provided include the installation, calibration and verification of the system, plus provision of the full BeamworX software suite for calibration (AutoPatch), data acquisition (NavAQ) and data processing (AutoClean).
Future planned works include hydrographic survey training for the Port of Dover Hydrographic Surveyors, survey procedure preparation and on-going data QC services.
May 2018
Trialling of Norbit iWBMS with PLA
We recently had the pleasure of being involved with trials of the Norbit iWBMS MBES system with the Port of London Authority.
This impressive little MBES boasts an impressive spec, including integrated Applanix POSMV Wavemaster II, and all packs into one little pelicase! Ideal for vessels of opportunity in far flung places.
April 2018
Now an Authorised UK Re-Seller for BeamworX
Geodesea Ltd is now an authorised UK re-seller for the BeamworX suite of Hydrographic Surveying software.
We have been using the Netherlands based company's software for a few years now and highly recommend it for Acquisition (NavAQ), Calibration (AutoPatch) and Processing (AutoClean) of Multibeam Sonar hydrographic data.
If you would like a software demonstration with your own dataset, or a trial license, please do not hesitate to contact us.
January 2018
Another year underway for Tideway survey support
Geodesea Ltd have recently been re-contracted to provide ongoing support for the Tideway JV's bathymetric monitoring programme on the River Thames on behalf of POLA.
Optech ILRIS 3D laser being acquired in Hypack/Hysweep with Applanix POSMV 320 in parallel with Reson 8125 MBES data acquisition.
Tideway have recently released this video on their website to show overall project progress
December 2017
Geodesea Ltd contracted for geospatial data processing, rendering and visualisations of Fulham Rail Bridge.
Geodesea Ltd have recently been contracted to process multibeam bathymetry and terrestrial laser data for TfL on behalf of POLA.
Involved the processing of bathymetric datasets, comparisons against previous baseline surveys and rendering of Sonar & Laser data into one 3D visualisation.
October 2017
Geodesea Ltd contracted for bespoke hydrographic survey training to Marmus Ltd
Geodesea Ltd have recently been contracted to provide bespoke specialist training in hydrographic survey to Marmus Ltd.
Involved demonstration of data acquisition, processing and rendering of singlebeam sonar data acquired using equipment recently purchased by the client plus supply of additional training notes.
September 2017
Geodesea Ltd contracted for foreshore hydrographic surveys in support of new river developement on behalf of Greengage Environmental Ltd.
Geodesea Ltd have recently been contracted to acquire and deliver hydrographic survey data in support of new development application proposals on the River Thames in Chelsea, London.
Involved the acquisition of terrestrial laser data and merging with existing sonar data to compile bathymetric charts and volume calculations.
February 2017
Geodesea Ltd contracted for Hi-Res Multibeam Sonar and Vessel based laser surveys for Tideway works on behalf of Port of London Authority
Geodesea Ltd have recently been contracted by the PLA for Hi-Res Multibeam Sonar and Vessel based laser surveys for the Tideway monitoring surveys on the River Thames.
Optech ILRIS 3D laser being acquired in Hypack/Hysweep with Applanix POSMV 320 in parallel with Reson 8125 MBES data acquisition.
February 2017
Tide Gauge / Flood Monitoring Device
We have recently re-built our Tide Gauge/Flood Monitoring Device. Less moving parts, more reliability.
Measures ranges up to 10m in all weather condtions. IP66 rated.
Connects to the internet to provide re-time level data info, and can contact individuals/stakeholders with information on levels, rate of change of levels and early warnings when certain levels have been breached via Twitter.
For more info, see
October 2016
Geodesea Ltd now using BeamworX AutoPatch
Geodesea Ltd have recently started using Beamworx AutoPatch for Patch Testing.
A brilliant bit of software which saves time and eliminates potential operator bias during calibration routines, not to mention the identification of lever arm offset errors and SVP measurement errors.
August 2016
Q3-2016 Bathymetric Surveys for Tideway JV Contractors Completed
Geodesea Ltd continue to be sub-contracted by the Port of London for the delivery of bathymetric monitoring surveys in support of the ongoing Tideway Tunnel works on the River Thames. Surveys for the JV contractors BMB an Flo have now been acquired and are being processed presently.
Surveyors: JP Cheminade & M Fisher
June 2016
MBMax LOG File Generator
Just created an MBMax log file generator, as last time I checked the Hypack version only allowed to merge 2 existing log files and I have been creating them in TextPad for use in MBMax.
May or may not be of use - it is to us! Download HERE and change *.txt to *.exe
Requires .NET v4.0.0.0 or later
Can easily be embedded into Hypack shell too :-)
May 2016
Geodesea Ltd now using Beamworx AutoClean
Geodesea have recently purchased a Beamworx Autoclean licence for MBES and vessel based LiDAR data cleaning.
Simple and robust point cloud cleaning program for Bathymetric and LiDAR point data. In times where software becomes more and more complex we present a new cleaning tool that is focused on day to day cleaning on board of survey vessels or near site. Very easy to learn, easy to operate and to install program. Due to its flexible import and export it will fit in every workflow.
March 2016
Geodesea provide hydrographic personnel to BCH in Antarctica
In February 2016 Geodesea Ltd provided hydrographic personnel and software to support Bristol Channel Hydrographic ( with their high resolution multibeam survey of Biscoe Wharf in Rothera, Antarctica, on behalf of Holder Ltd and the British Antarctic Survey (BAS).
One of the more technically challenging jobs, and also the most scenic!
March 2016
A couple of new utility programs
Two new utility programmes available for use Tidal Thames which shows tidal differences on predictions for London Bridge on the River Thames and GPS to UTC Seconds Converter which is helpful for various GPS survey applications.
© Geodesea Ltd 2024
Registered in England & Wales. Registration Number 7222115