In-House Applications

Geodesea Ltd have developed a number of different utilities in the past in order to reduce our own workload in-house or for a specific purpose at the Client's request.

A few examples of these are listed below and are freely available for download. 

All executables require .Net Framework v4.0 and above to run efficiently.

These programs are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Quay Wall Chainage Reprojector

Re-projecting quay wall surveys from real-world coordinates to chainages for ease of reporting in engineering surveys for condition monitoring (out-of-straightness, deformation, etc). 

Allows for arbitrary or surveyed in Ground Control Points to define SOL and EOL quayside chainages and then shifts all real-world coordinated data into distance along line and offset from vertical plane.

Contact for more information

Thames Tideway Project Grid Conversion Utility 

Developed as part of Geodesea Ltd's ongoing Hydrographic consultancy services to the Port of London Authority in support of the Thames Tideway Tunnel Project ( 

Allows for both single point and multipoint ascii file conversion between OSGB36 and the Tideway Single Zone Project Grid and vice versa.

Download executable HERE

MBES Coverage Calculator

Developed offshore for a hard and fast esitimate calculation for MBES surveys. 

Enables input of various system/environmental parameters in order to calculate the achievable system outputs. Useful for tender pricing and assessment of whether or not hydrographic specifications are achievable or not. 

Download executable HERE

Bathy Berth Box Profiler

Originally designed for use by Sydney Ports Authority in NSW,Australia to help with assessment of  shoalest depths within a berth box. The premise was to highlight the shoalest soundings within a berth box; to apply a fenderline chainage and "Snap to Line" these soundings in order to produce a single profile.

This mothod allowed the Harbour Master to clearly see a single depth profile along an entire wharf frontage containing multiple ship berths in order to aid with decision making around where/when vessels of differing length/draft may safely berth. 

Download executable HERE

SSS Coverage Calculator

Much the same as the MBES Coverage Calculator shown above, but for Side Scan Sonar Systems.

Download executable HERE

Tidal Thames

A useful little utility for estimating the tide time differences on the River Thames between published predictions for London Bridge and any other location between Hammersmith and Greenwich. Works for predicted high water and low water times.

Download executable HERE

CARIS SVP Importer

Devleoped a few years back on a job offshore in the Baltic. Frustrated by the lack of a generic data parser to import SVP data from probe to CARIS HIPS format, I wrote one myself in order to save time messing around with text editors.

Caris HIPS probably has its own native import utility by now, but someone may find this useful - it can be used with Valeport and AML (old & new format) SVP probe data outputs. 

 Download executable HERE

GPS Seconds Converter

Simple utility developed for error checking time tags in Optech Ilris laser time tags.

Download executable HERE 

Hypack MBMAX Log File Generator

Enables user to select multiple Raw HSX or edited HS2/HS2X Hypack/Hysweep  data files from numerous file locations and quickly merge into one log file to open all file in MBMAX.

This enables the user to quickly and efficiently load files from multiple folders containing data from different days and/or vessels, allowing a more project based data processing workflow. 

Download utility HERE 

Tidal Prediction Spreadsheet

Simple spreadsheet for tide height prediction using min/max and Rule of Twelfths

Download Spreadsheet HERE 

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